Request a quote

We've made it extra simple to request a quote for the repair or replacement of your vehicle glass. Simply fill out our short form with as much detail as possible and we'll give you a quote within minutes!

Don't worry, we don't share any of your information, it's only used to send you a copy of your quote.

Appointments available from 13/02/2025

Personal info

Only the essential bits, so we know where to send your quote

First name

Last name


Phone number


This is so we can ensure your quote request goes to your nearest technician


We will look the vehicle information up against the DVSA database

Vehicle Registration

Enter your vehicle registration and we will obtain the make/model/year from DVSA. If this doesn't return the correct results, please enter them manually below.

Vehicle Make

Vehicle Model

Vehicle Year

How soon do you need it?

Who is paying?


We need to know the location and type of the damage to your vehicle

Damage Location

Damage Type

Upload an image (optional)

If uploading an image, please ensure it includes the entire glass from the outside looking towards the car.

Does your vehicle have any of these features?

It's important to list all the features your vehicle may have. Failing to declare features could result in an incorrect price being quoted.

Does your speedometer display on the bottom of your windscreen?

Does your glass have an acoustic symbol next to the makers logo?

Do your lights turn on automatically when it gets dark?

Do your windscreen wipers activate when it's raining?

Does your vehicle have early collision warning?

Do you press a button to defrost the glass when it's frozen?

Additional Information

Is there anything else we need to know about your vehicle? Add it here

By submitting this form you confirm that you agree to the Terms & Conditions set out by UK Windscreens Limited.

UK Windscreens Limited will never share any of your information with anbody outside of our technician network. Your personal information is used solely for the purpose of providing a quotation for your autoglazing requirements.


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